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[Manga] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Chapter 27

January 31, 2010

Spoiler for those who have yet to read the manga/only watch the anime. It’s a shame that it looks like at this point that this chapter won’t make it in time for the anime. This chapter focused on the main fight between Mikoto and Frenda (one of the four girls who cameoed in episode 12 of the anime, which occurs during the Sisters Arc. Read more…

Vocaloid – supercell feat. Hatsune Miku

January 24, 2010

I was first introduced to Vocaloids and their music – specifically Hatsune Miku’s (初音ミク) – about two years ago but didn’t really pay attention back then asides from the fact I quite liked Miku’s character design. It was only last month that I really got into the music through supercell thanks to a fellow New Zealander who’s also a fan of Miku. supercell, who were responsible for Bakemonogatari’s ED – Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari – have a self-titled album supercell, where ryo makes use of the Vocaloid software to create arguably some of Hatsune Miku’s best songs. Read more…

The Vanishment of Suzumiya Haruhi OST Preview

January 22, 2010

Whilst the film doesn’t actually get released for another two weeks (February 6th), this PV condenses the 150 minute film into a 5 minute montage. The PV itself is for the Original Soundtrack to the movie posted by Lantis, being released a week (Jan 27th) before the movie. This is very spoiler heavy. So unless you want to be spoiled, or have already read the fourth novel, don’t watch this.

The music sounds good (though I rarely tend to listen to BGM) and the animation’s looking good too judging by this. But I’m sure this would be a lot better watching it on the big screen.

Haruhi really does look better with the long hair ponytail.

  • Lantis removed their original version and replaced it with a non-spoiler one after complaints. But not before the spoiler version had already been copied and uploaded by others.

K-ON! [14] – “Live House!” Special OVA

January 20, 2010
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Azu-nyan's super cute tora-mimi welcome in the new year!

This is like an episode 14 to K-ON!’s first season, being released with the last Blu-ray DVD of the first season. The girls are invited to perform a live by Ritsu and Mio’s friend from their middle school. To be honest, I can’t say I was expecting much from this episode after feeling like the ending to first season (episodes 10-12) were pretty disappointing but I was pleasantly surprised after realising how much I enjoyed this episode. The comedy and the blu-ray quality animation (plus no weird looking faces that I could find!) were pleasant and made it worth watching. Okay, so there still was the rather repetitive and filler “tea drinking & cake eating” supplied by Mugi halfway through the episode but a live episode with some music is better than watching the girls eat their cakes. Read more…

Midsummer’s winter blast

January 17, 2010

Hardly the weather to be going to the beach in.

I cannot believe the weather here. It’s mid-January; we’re having 12 degree days, a lot of rain and I’m pretty sure Winter has just decided to revisit this month. There have only been 8 sunny days out of the last 26 since around Christmas and this is probably the worst summer weather I can recall. Not to mention that it is ridiculously foggy today. Read more…